About Me

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I love my Jesus, my family and my friends. I enjoy people and traveling, good music and good food. I have recently moved to the country, and I am loving it! So much to learn about our Creator just by walking outside. Pretty amazing.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Without a Doubt

Doubt is so annoying sometimes.  It's just one of those things we deal with as humans. As Christians, it causes us to question ourselves, our family, our abilities, God, the enemy, whatever is around.  We all deal with doubt in something at sometime.  Usually more often than we'd like.

But there are some things we know without a doubt.  We know the sun will rise in the morning, and the moon will follow later that evening.  We know that it's hot in a Texas summer and cold in a Colorado winter.  We know as humans we are no match against natural disaster, and we know as humans we are the only ones who can rebuild, in God's goodness, after one has occurred.    

In Psalm 82, God reminds us of something else we need not doubt.  He says, " 'How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked?  [Instead] Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.  Rescue the weak  and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.  They know nothing, they understand nothing.  They walk about in the darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.' ... Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance."  

This shouts to me that I never have to doubt it will be time well spent if I give an hour, a day, a week, a lifetime helping the poor and oppressed.  The weak and needy.  Those who are clueless and need guidance and direction.  Those whom have had their foundation shaken, what might even seem like a natural disaster.

This passage perfectly describes the 
refugees in America, even right here in Texas,  whom the United Nations has brought over from refugee camps across the world in order to help them assimilate into our culture and have new life.  The problem is they are given only 4 months support, then they are on their own.  These precious people often know absolutely nothing about surviving in America. Some have been in jungle refugee camps for 18 years.  They truly are weak and often fatherless.  Their rights were stripped from them in their own land because of race or religion.  

They are weak and needy - weak from not understanding nutrition, and needy for someone to teach them simple living practices such as washing their hands and turning on the heat in the winter.  They are poor - skilled in different tasks, yet needing someone to hire them without strings attached and other humans helping them with the basics of life here in America.   The enemy is hard after them.  They know nothing about food stamps, medicaid, Walmart, driving.  They speak foreign languages.  Their children are thrust into public schools in low-income areas, knowing nothing.  They walk in darkness, and God so desire for them to walk in  the light of Jesus. Yet truly, the foundations of their earth have been shaken.  It is hard for them to see much beyond the fear of not making it here.

So we, in our simple human efforts, and in God's amazing goodness, attempt to help rebuild what the enemy has tried to destroy in the lives of these refugees here in Dallas. Simple things like guiding them through homework.  Giving driving lessons.  Helping them find a job.  Taking them to the doctor.  Our family enjoying a cup of tea with their family.  

These are husbands and wives with beautiful children and an elderly mom.  These are young 20-something men working hard, so if they prove they can make it, then their parents can come here, too.  These are elderly couples, whom have spoken nepali or bhutanese their whole lives, and are in ESL classes here every week.  They are our friends, now.  They are a part of us.  It is good and right to be in their lives, and they in ours.  It is God's heart.  It's just what we are to do.  And it's something I know deep in me.  Truly, without a doubt.